解决方案 LEI 的特点



B20,《金融与基础设施政策白皮书》,2024 年 9 月,建议在涉及中小微企业的所有金融交易中采用 LEI,以简化国际贸易(建议编号 3.1.3)


数字化革命改变了国际贸易,既带来机遇,也带来挑战。新冠疫情和地缘政治事件等造成的业务中断凸显了供应商验证流程分散、缺乏透明度和运营效率低下等问题。这些问题可能会中断货物流通并削弱合作伙伴之间的信任。然而,正如国际商会(ICC)英国分会《扩大贸易中数字身份的使用》报告中指出的那样,改善国际贸易中的信息和交易流程可以通过降低信息和交易成本节省 200 亿美元至 1000 亿美元。

其 KTDDE 报告中的 ICC 数字标准倡议建议在出口商、进口商、金融机构和物流供应商的数字系统中使用 LEI。这将有助于开发遵守许多主要标准的数字平台。该报告还表明实体识别的重要性,即 36 份核心贸易文件中 25% 的关键数据元素都与贸易涉及的各方关联。LEI 和 vLEI 是贸易数字化的基础推动因素,提供唯一可实现全球互操作、与平台无关的组织身份识别解决方案。

vLEI 将通过实现真实数据传输来改变贸易。这种用于数字钱包的创新凭证遵循“永不信任,始终验证”的原则,可增强对供应链组织的信任。对于引入、贸易融资和海关备案等任务,可以使用全球协议对各方之间的数据进行签名和验证。vLEI 的真实链式数据容器(ACDC)规范可确保可以安全地链接交易。

企业现在正在制定信任计划来管理数字身份。使用 LEI 和 vLEI,企业可以显著改善全球供应链,做出明智的决策,降低财务和声誉风险,并为环境、社会和治理(ESG)工作奠定坚实的基础。公司现在有机会利用 LEI 等国际标准来明确识别全球贸易交易涉及的各方及其电子贸易文件(如 eBoL 或发票)。正如《扩大贸易中数字身份的使用》报告中所述,“无论客户的地理位置是哪里,LEI 都是在海量数据中的一个地位点。”


“The integration of LEIs into our platform ensures the accuracy of digital identities, enhancing trust and transparency within our network and sets the stage for platform interoperability. As WaveBL is in search of a globally accepted standard, we have found that the introduction of vLEIs could radically streamline this process by providing a trusted, automated, and universally accepted solution for verifying companies' digital identities worldwide.”

Noam Rosenfeld, WaveBL CEO

A trustworthy interoperable platform that facilitates early cross-border payments, such as the LEI, would favor MSMEs accessing new markets and support their participation in GVCs.

Business Federations of the Group of Seven - B7 - Leading the transitions together

Without a unique, globally harmonized identifier, finding information about small businesses is challenging. LEIs drive transparency and enable small businesses to participate more fully in the global economy.

WTO & WEF - The promise of TradeTech: Policy approaches to harness trade digitalization

Asset management funds that utilize LEIs, particularly those that manage large portfolios of client accounts/legal vehicles, can enable a huge reduction in misbooked trade and payments being made to the wrong accounts due to the truncated names of clients. This can save them massive amounts of time and money, regardless of how many times a client changes its name over the years.

ICC UK - Scaling the use of digital identities in trade

请继续阅读,了解这些用例以及 GLEIF 基于 UN/CEFACT BUY-SHIP-PAY 模型的作用:


GLEIF and WaveBL

A Collaboration That Elevates Efficiency, Security, and Compliance in Global Trade

World Trade Organization and the World Economic Forum

The promise of TradeTech: Policy approaches to harness trade digitalization

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Digital Standards Initiative

Key Trade Documents and Data Elements: Digital standards analysis and recommendations— An integrated framework for digitalising the entire supply chain

Business Federations of the Group of Seven - B7

Leading the transitions together

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Digital Standards Initiative

Key Trade Documents and Data Elements on the Frontlines: Tracking the digitalization of trade through 22 case studies


Digital Identity Empowering the Transfer of Digital Assets’ Value


Who are you? African firms eye trade boost from global business card

Deutsche Bank

A Guide to Digital Trade Finance

ICC United Kingdom

Shutting fraudsters out of trade

ICC United Kingdom

Scaling the use of digital identities in trade

Asian Development Bank

Can the pandemic help end the paper chase that is hobbling international trade?

B20 Brasil 2024

Finance & Infrastructure Policy Paper