全球法人识别编码(LEI)为 20 位的字符代码,以国际标准化组织 (ISO) 制定的 ISO 17442 标准为基础。它与关键参考信息关联,便于以清晰而独特的方式识别参与金融交易和其他正式交易的法定实体。每个 LEI 都包含有关一个实体所有权结构的信息。这样,LEI 就回答了“谁是谁”和“谁拥有谁”的问题。简言之,公开的 LEI 数据池是一个全球目录,极大地提高了全球市场的透明度。
GLEIF 的全球法人识别编码 (LEI):506700GE1G29325QX363
金融稳定理事会 (FSB) 重申,全球 LEI 的采纳巩固了“多个金融稳定目标”,如改进公司内风险管理以及更好地评估微观和宏观审慎风险。因此,它提高了市场诚信度,同时遏制了市场滥用和金融诈骗行为。最后,但并非最不重要的是,LEI 的推广“可提升整体金融数据的质量和准确性”。
对公众开放的 LEI 数据池是全球法人机构相关标准化信息的唯一钥匙。这些数据依照监督管理委员会所建立的协议与程序进行登记并定期验证。
LEI 计划的推动者,即 20 国集团、金融稳定理事会和全球众多监管单位,均强调了将 LEI 打造为一项广泛公益事业的必要性。由 GLEIF 提供的全球 LEI 索引,朝着此目标迈出了一大步。它可让任何相关方免费且便捷地处理全部 LEI 数据。
随着 LEI 的采用率增长,全球 LEI 索引对更广泛的商业界和全球数字经济带来的益处也在增长。为了最大限度发挥这些优势,我们鼓励各公司参与本流程并获取自己的 LEI。获得 LEI 并不困难。登记者仅需联系 LEI 发放组织列表中其首选业务合作伙伴,可在 GLEIF 网站上查看该列表。
The idea of a global, public Reference Data Utility germinates at ECB Statistics
JC Trichet (former president of the ECB), under the impression of his Lehman experiences, gives his blessing to the idea
Speech by JC Trichet CESR calling for international public reference data infrastructure
Publication of Dodd-Frank Act, leading the development and launch of the Global LEI System
US Treasury speaks to EU Commission, opens door for LEI dossier going to FSB
FSB takes the lead to prepare a recommendation for a LEI governance framework
ISO 17442, Part 1 Published
G20 endorses LEI Charter, establishing the ROC and the Global LEI System
Implementation of European Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)
First Meeting of the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC)
CFTC Rule demands LEI – first “CICI”, then “pre-LEIs”.
Global LEI Foundation established under Swiss law
Office set up in Frankfurt
Publication of first concatenated LEI data – Level 1 Data to answer the question of ‘who is who’
Accreditation of first LEI Issuers
FSB takes the lead to prepare a recommendation for a LEI governance framework
Global LEI Index reaches
1 million records
Implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR)
GLEIF launches the Registration Agent concept
First Mapping Partnership enabling market participants to link and cross-reference key entity identifiers free of charge
ISO 17442, part 2, for embedding LEIs in digital certificates ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC9594-8
Founded GLEIF Americas
Decision to develop a digital “verifiable” LEI using verifiable credentials
The People’s Bank of China publishes the 5-Year Roadmap for LEI adoption
FSB cross-border payments roadmap publication
First Validation Agent starts operations
Established Japan Office
Mandate from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to use the LEI in cross-border transactions
GLEIF and Trust Over IP Foundation Publish Ecosystem Governance Framework for Digitally Verifiable LEI
Established Singapore branch
vLEI Demo application “GLEIF Annual Report 2021”
GLEIF Rebrand to reflect the evolution to a new strategic direction: Driving voluntary adoption for the LEI across sectors
Qualification of first vLEI Issuer
Global LEI Index reaches
2 million records
Decision to establish country representation in India
Implementing new ROC policies (Legal Entity Events, Fund Relationships & Government Entities) outlining new LEI data formats, creating more transparency in the global marketplace
Mandate from South Korea’s Financial Services Commission on using LEI in investment account registration for foreign corporate entities
Decision to establish country representation in China
Mandate from the Financial Services Agency of Japan to use the LEI for OTC derivatives market participants
The journey to one global identity behind every business
A decade of excellence. A history of the Global LEI System