2 级数据:关系记录 (RR) CDF 格式 2.1
法人机构识别编码 (LEI) 数据池包含解答“谁拥有谁”问题的 2 级数据。特别是,拥有或获得 LEI 的法人机构,将报告其“直接会计合并母公司”,以及其“最终会计合并母公司”。
子法人机构将有义务向 LEI 发放组织分别提供其直接母公司和最终母公司的 LEI。若 LEI 注册者的直接母公司和最终母公司获得了 LEI,注册者应以关系记录 CDF (RR-CDF ) 格式提供关系记录。这定义了技术格式,该格式详细说明了 2 级数据,即关系记录,如何存储及如何在 LEI 发放组织 Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)和所有数据用户之间进行传输。
2016 年 11 月,GLEIF 发布了关于 RR-CDF 格式初始版本 1.0 的信息。2017 年 5 月,GLEIF 发布了关于 RR-CDF 格式版本 1.1 的信息,而在 2021 年 5 月,又发布了关于 RR-CDF 格式版本 2.1 的信息。相较于 RR-CDF 格式版本 1.1,版本 2.1 基于 ROC 政策“基金关系政策和投资基金在全球 LEI 体系注册指南”引入了变更(该政策详细描述了 “2 级”数据对“谁属于谁”问题的定义),并根据基金关系类型进行了分类。相应的 XML 模式定义和发行说明文件可在本页下方下载。
RR-CDF 格式包含分别具有以下功能的元素:
- 识别涉及的法人机构。
- 详细说明关系的类型和其他特征(例如日期)。
- 显示由负责管理关系记录的 LEI 发放组织收集的关系验证和报告信息。
以下图表显示了 RR-CDF 格式版本 2.1 的结构,包括要提供的数据内容定义。
- The StartNode of the "child" entity has its accounts fully consolidated by the EndNode "parent" entity, in the sense given by the accounting standard(s) specified in RelationshipQualifiers;the EndNode entity is the closest fully consolidating parent to the StartNode entity in any applicable hierarchical ownership structure. -
- The StartNode "child" entity has its accounts fully consolidated by the EndNode "parent" entity, in the sense given by the accounting standard(s) specified in the RelationshipQualifiers; the EndNode entity is the most distant fully consolidating parent from the StartNode entity in any applicable hierarchical ownership structure. -
- The StartNode is an international branch of the legal entity designated by EndNode (in jurisdiction country of StartNode). The EndNode is the Head Office and SHALL be an LEI. -
- The StartNode is a fund managed by a main management entity. The EndNode is legally responsible for the constitution and operation of the fund. -
- The StartNode is a sub-fund to an umbrella fund. The EndNode is a legal entity with one or more than one sub-funds/compartments where each sub-fund/compartment has its own investment objectives, separate investment policies and strategies, segregation of assets, separate investors and which has segregated liability between sub-funds/compartments. -
- The StartNode is a Feeder Fund,that is (almost) exclusively invested in a single other fund. The EndNode is the Master Fund that has identical investment strategies.
- The dates in this instance ofRelationshipPeriod
indicate the accounting period covered by the most recent validation documents for this relationship. -
- The dates in this instance ofRelationshipPeriod
indicate the duration of validity of the relationship itself, as distinct from any administrative or reporting aspects. -
- The dates in this instance ofRelationshipPeriod
indicate the validity period of a regulatory filing, accounting document, or other document demonstrating the relationship's validity.
- As of the last report or update,the reporting legal entity reported that it is legally registered and/or operating, that the relationship detailed in this RelationshipRecord is still valid -
-It has been determined that the relationship is ended, because entity that reported this relationship is no longer legally registered and/or operating; or the relationship is no longer valid for other reasons. -
new NULL
- The relationship status is not applicable.
- Designates the optional list of additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship. TheQualifierDimensionEnum
contains the valueACCOUNTING_STANDARD
as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1. -
- Specifies the additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship. This field must contain a validQualifierCategoryTypeEnum
as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1. A new value,new GOVERNMENT_ACCOUNTING_STANDARD
has been added to the existingQualifierCategoryTypeEnum
- Specifies the method of measurement (or set of rules) used to quantitatively categorize the relationship. This field contains a validMeasurementMethodTypeEnum
as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1. -
- Specifies the quantity measured as a decimal (positive or negative) number, using a"."
as the decimal point, with no spaces, and without thousand delimiters (e.g.","
). -
- Specifies the units, where applicable, of a measurement made on a relationship. This field contains a validQuantifierUnitsTypeEnum
as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1.
in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:-
- A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication -
- A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update -
- A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record -
- A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate -
- The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes -
- A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued -
- A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU -
- A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU -
- A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status
- The validation of the relationship data provided by the registrant has not yet occurred. Records with this ValidationSources value SHALL NOT be published. -
- Based on the validation procedures in use by the LOU responsible for the record, the information associated with this record has significant reliance on the information that a submitter provided due to the unavailability of corroborating information. -
- Based on the validation procedures in use by the LOU responsible for the record, the information supplied by the submitter can be partially corroborated by supporting sources (e.g. financial statements with other definitions of the relevant relationship type; quarterly or annual regulatory filings,contracts and other documents used in preparing financial statements). -
- The relationship data provided by the registrant has been validated against an explicit relationship statement found in key sources (e.g. consolidated financial statements)
- A consolidated financial (accounting) statement, prepared and submitted to the relevant authority. -
- A regulatory filing providing public information on legal entities and/or their relationships. -
- Other documents supporting the validation of legal entities and/or their relationships. -
- Contract(s) attesting to the validity of legal entities and/or their relationships. -
- Other official document(s) attesting to the validity of legal entities and/or their relationships.
注:RR-CDF 版本 2.1 中新添加的字段和枚举值以黄色突出显示。
状态转换和验证规则 (STVR) 描述了根据通用数据文件 (CDF) 格式发放、更新、管理和发布 LEI 参考数据的业务规则及其技术实施情况。
如有关于 RR-CDF 格式的疑问,请提交问题至 info@gleif.org。
- RR-CDF 版本 2.1 发行说明:rr-cdf_version_2.1-documentation.html
- 相应的 XML 模式定义:2021-03-04_rr-cdf-v2-1.xsd
- 下载 PDF 文件:通用数据文件格式的状态转换和验证规则 (版本 2.8.4) (State Transition and Validation Rules for Common Data File Formats (Version 2.8.4))