LEI Verisi
GLEIF Veri Kalitesi Yönetimi

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Veri Kalitesi Raporu Eylül 2017
PDF olarak indirin: ‘Global LEI Veri Kalitesi Raporu’ (Global LEI Data Quality Report)
Ek LEI Veri Kalitesi Raporu
LEI Tahsis Eden Kurum Raporları
Asociación Mexicana de Estándares para el Comercio Electrónico A.C. (GS1 Mexico) | İndir |
Bloomberg Finance L.P. (Bloomberg) | İndir |
Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH (Bundesanzeiger Verlag) | İndir |
Business Entity Data B.V. (GMEI Utility a service of BED B.V.) | İndir |
KDD - Centralna klirinško depotna družba d.d. (Central Securities Clearing Corporation, Slovenia) | İndir |
Central Securities Clearing System Plc (CSCS Nigeria) | İndir |
Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (CSD Slovakia) | İndir |
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů a.s. (CSD Prague) | İndir |
全国金融标准化技术委员会 (China Financial Standardization Technical Committee) | İndir |
EQS Group AG (EQS) | İndir |
Patentti- ja Rekisterihallitus (Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH)) | İndir |
GS1 Germany GmbH (GS1 Germany) | İndir |
Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (Insee) | İndir |
The Irish Stock Exchange Plc (Irish Stock Exchange) | İndir |
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (Japan Exchange Group/Tokyo Stock Exchange (JPX/TSE)) | İndir |
Korea Securities Depository (KSD) | İndir |
Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. (KDPW) | İndir |
Legal Entity Identifier India Limited (LEIL) | İndir |
London Stock Exchange LEI Limited (London Stock Exchange) | İndir |
LuxCSD S.A (LuxCSD) | İndir |
Небанковская кредитная организация акционерное общество "Национальный расчетный депозитарий" (National Settlement Depository, Russia) | İndir |
Kamer van Koophandel (KvK; Netherlands Chamber of Commerce) | İndir |
Registro de Identificación de Entidades del BCRA (Central Bank of Argentina LEI issuing organization) | İndir |
Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad, Mercantiles y Bienes Muebles de España (CORPME) | İndir |
Saudi Credit Bureau (SACB / Moa'rif) | İndir |
Strate (Pty) Ltd (Strate) | İndir |
İstanbul Takas ve Saklama Bankası Anonim Şirketi (Takasbank) | İndir |
InfoCamere SCpA, Societa' Consortile di Informatica delle Camere di Commercio Italiane per Azioni (InfoCamere) | İndir |
Herausgebergemeinschaft WERTPAPIER-MITTEILUNGEN Keppler, Lehmann GmbH & Co.KG (WM Datenservice) | İndir |
Zagrebačka burza d.d. (Zagreb Stock Exchange, ZSE) | İndir |