GLEIF 10주년 기념: 글로벌 경제 기반으로서의 신뢰

세계의 평가관련 링크 및 블로그자료 다운로드

금융 위기 이후 전 세계는 금융 시스템에 대한 신뢰 하락과 그에 따른 만연한 불확실성으로 인해 어려움을 겪었습니다. 이러한 상황에서 Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation(GLEIF)이 탄생했습니다. 글로벌 금융 거래의 신뢰와 투명성을 회복하겠다는 사명을 바탕으로 설립된 GLEIF는 전 세계 비즈니스를 혁신하고 역량을 강화하는 데 10년을 보냈습니다.

대화형 타임라인과 다운로드 가능한 인포그래픽은 10년간의 GLEIF의 영향력을 시각적으로 보여주어 개념에서 글로벌 표준으로의 진화를 자랑합니다.

The journey to one global identity behind every business

A decade of excellence. A history of the Global LEI System

Timeline preview Explore the Timeline

금융 거래와 연관된 법인에 대한 범용 식별기호를 개발하는 임무를 맡은 GLEIF는 법인식별기호(LEI)를 도입했습니다. 알파벳과 숫자를 조합한 이 20자 코드는 기업의 국제 ID 역할을 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 시장에서 투명성과 신뢰성의 새로운 시대를 위한 토대를 마련했습니다.

GLEIF에서 관리하는 LEI 시스템은 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있는 거래 당사자 식별을 보장하여 기업이 확신을 갖고 운영할 수 있는 환경을 조성합니다. GLEIF는 글로벌 LEI 색인을 통해 비즈니스 신원 확인을 위한 독보적 리소스를 무료로 제공함으로써, 전 세계 소비자, 파트너, 규제 기관이 확인된 데이터를 통해 조직의 요구를 비교 검증하는 능력을 향상시킵니다. 이에 따라 전 세계가 금융 범죄에 맞서 싸우는 데 도움을 주는 글로벌 LEI 색인의 힘이 엄청나게 커졌습니다.

250만 개 이상의 LEI 기록이 유통되는 상황에서, 전 세계 규제 기관과 시장 감독 기관은 LEI 데이터를 사용하여 국경과 법적 관할권을 넘어 활동하는 범죄 네트워크를 식별 및 노출하고 있습니다. 또한 많은 국가에서는 국경 간 결제와 같은 관련 사용 사례에서 기업 투명성을 높이기 위해 자본 시장 외부에서의 LEI 사용을 의무화하고 있습니다.

글로벌 경제에서 신뢰와 투명성을 선도해 온 10년을 기념하며, 그 혜택을 직접적으로 경험한 사람들을 조명합니다. 이 섹션에서는 고객과 파트너가 GLEIF가 어떻게 자신의 운영을 강화하고 성공에 기여했는지를 반영하여 사용 후기를 공유합니다. 전 세계에서 수집된 이러한 사례는 LEI가 실제로 어떻게 적용되는지를 강조하고 글로벌 비즈니스 관계 육성에 있어 신뢰가 미치는 심오한 영향에 주목합니다. GLEIF를 가장 잘 아는 사람들이 전하는 GLEIF와의 파트너십이 제공하는 실제 이점을 알아보려면 계속 읽어보시기 바랍니다.

전 세계의 목소리

I want to acknowledge the remarkable foundational work accomplished by outgoing CEO Stephan Wolf and the entire GLEIF team. Stepping into the role of GLEIF CEO, I am filled with a deep understanding of the LEI system. During my time at SWIFT, I worked to incorporate the LEI into ISO data models and actively promoted its use in Asia-Pacific. My passion for the LEI has also driven my efforts to support its adoption in the digital asset and blockchain industry. I am excited to build on GLEIF’s success and amazing team, leveraging digital technologies like the vLEI to enhance transparency, efficiency, and trust in global markets.

Alexandre Kech, GLEIF CEO

As an LEI Issuer since 2017, we have witnessed exponential growth in the applications of the LEI, not only for regulatory compliance but also in trade, reporting, and sanctions screening. Many of our clients, for example, also leverage the LEI in their client onboarding processes to streamline KYC procedures. We are pleased to observe greater adoption of the LEI across a wide range of industries, with a diverse array of use cases that we anticipate will continue to expand in the future.

Steven Meizanis, Global Product Head of Symbology and LEI Services at Bloomberg

Over the past ten years, GLEIF has established a stable and global ecosystem that enables the implementation of a unique and universal entity identifier, the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), harnessed for public good globally. The success is driven enthusiastically by an ecosystem of invested stakeholders. Our partners and stakeholders work to evolve and expand the Global LEI System and the benefits of the LEI beyond its mandated use as a tool to enhance transparency in financial markets and encourage its voluntary adoption across all markets globally. We have strengthened the foundations and keep the focus on establishing the LEI and the vLEI as enablers of digital trust across multiple value chains where digital trust is a central principle.

T. Dessa Glasser, Chair of GLEIF

The Global LEI System has become essential for the investment and asset management industry, addressing the critical need for a global, standardized approach to entity identification. The openly available LEI dataset enables investors to comprehend the nature of their investments and potential risks fully. LEIs have become compulsory for transactions subject to regulatory reporting; in short: no LEI, no trade. LEIs enhance regulatory compliance, streamline transaction processing, and improve risk management. The future outlook for the LEI system is promising, paving the way for a more transparent, efficient, and interconnected global investment landscape.

Rudolf Siebel, Managing Director, BVI German Investment Funds Association

I had the privilege of leading GLEIF from its infancy to the thriving and successful organization it has become today. Since its inception, the Global LEI System has revolutionized how legal entities are identified globally - providing a robust framework for uniquely identifying legal entities participating in financial transactions. Ten years on, GLEIF has left an indelible mark on the financial ecosystem in pursuit of its vision: One global identity behind every business. We have contributed to a safer, more transparent economy that has transformed the marketplace for the better.

Stephan Wolf, first CEO of GLEIF (2014 - 2024)

Over the past decade, GLEIF's steadfast commitment to advancing the implementation and exploring new applications of the LEI has improved the security and resilience of the global financial ecosystem. Our strategic partnership with GLEIF will cultivate a robust, convenient, and highly trustworthy international cross-border payments environment for the growth and prosperity of the global cross-border e-commerce community.

Cindy Xiao, SVP at Oceanpayment

GLEIF's birth marked the dawn of a new era in global business connectivity and financial transparency. Over the past decade, its unwavering dedication to the LEI System has been a driving force in establishing a trust network that enables legal entities and their business partners to demonstrate ownership and relationships transparently, both in Hong Kong and beyond. We're honored to have been a part of GLEIF’s growth and excited to see it continue to innovate fearlessly in the digital space!

Nelson Chow, member of the Regulatory Oversight Committee of the Global LEI System, Division head at Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)

In today’s globalized business landscape, accurate and transparent identification of legal entities has become increasingly crucial. InfoCamere is among the earliest organizations to join the GLEIF endeavor in fostering the use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) as a standardized solution to this challenge. With more than 170,000 LEI managed, we are proud to contribute since the beginning to the success of this first decade, providing a better and safer worldwide environment for business.

Paolo Ghezzi, CEO at InfoCamere

GLEIF's tenth anniversary marks a milestone not only in the evolution of the LEI but also in the increased importance of trusted digital identities in our digital world. The LEI remains uniquely positioned to be the trusted global identifier in a world where verifying identity is increasingly important to provide assurance, legal compliance, and validation in commercial, regulatory, and other engagements between parties. The LEI has a respected legacy and a critical future in our world where digital identity is only becoming more important.

Vivienne Artz OBE FCSI (Hon), Vice-Chair of GLEIF’s Board of Directors

GLEIF has significantly improved international transparency in the past decade, facilitating cross-border finance and global trade. As a China-based Validation Agent, CFCA supports the continuous adoption of the LEI in the country and strongly advocates its inclusion in digital certificates. In the future, we will continue cooperating closely with GLEIF  to explore vLEI's potential in cross-border digital identity.

Yi Zhang, Assistant General Manager at CFCA Technical Department

On GLEIF’s ten-year anniversary, I reflect on the impact of the LEI on our global financial system. The use of LEIs in derivative transactions has created the transparency needed to monitor counterparty credit risk at an institutional and macro level. This transparency has reduced the risk that an adverse event at one institution will have a destabilizing effect on the entire system. The LEI has also simplified compliance with new regulations due to its precision in legal entity identification and its role as a universal connector between data sets. Looking ahead, the next 10 years are going to be even more exciting as the LEI evolves from identification to authentication with the introduction of the verifiable LEI (vLEI).

Amy Kabia, Vice-Chair of GLEIF’s Board of Directors

As an organization with a strong focus on promoting financial transparency, we have been actively engaged in the Global LEI System since the inception of GLEIF. Over the past decade, GLEIF has evolved into a professional organization committed to the highest standards and has significantly contributed to ensuring the quantity and quality of the LEIs issued. We look forward to continuing our cooperation with GLEIF and the LOU community to further expand the use of the LEI beyond the financial sector.

Ondřej Dusílek, CEO at Central Securities Depository Prague

GLEIF has been fostering transparency in the global marketplace for a decade and has expanded its horizons beyond regulated LEI use to promote sustainable economic growth. The pace of industry momentum behind using the LEI in transactions is a testament to its vast potential to help simplify complex and opaque supply chains and support the digitalization of global trade. As the global payment landscape evolves, the LEI will facilitate faster, more secure, and interoperable cross-border payments, fostering trust and reducing fraud and operational risk in financial transactions. By harnessing the power of the LEI, we are not only enhancing efficiency but also building a more transparent global economy. GLEIF remains dedicated to pioneering innovations that drive positive change and support the seamless functioning of global markets.

Kaoru Mochizuki, member of GLEIF’s Board of Directors, Chair of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee

Ten years on, GLEIF’s mission of entity interoperability is all the more urgent. Business intelligence platforms like the one I co-founded at HData continue to invest millions in reinventing entity maps to serve the urgent needs of governments for oversight and entrepreneurs for commerce. We would eagerly pass these millions to our customers through lower prices and better intelligence if the LEI were universally adopted and uniformly mandated by regulators and registries, as a matter of course and law.

Hudson Hollister, Co-Founder and CEO at HData

The originators and drivers of the LEI initiative - the G20, FSB, and ROC - have emphasized the need to make the LEI a 'broad public good‘. GLEIF's focus on increasing the relevance and value of the LEI led to a rise in governments, authorities, and other influential organizations championing it. Thanks to the interoperability and transparency benefits offered by the LEI when included in cross-border payment flows, it has become a critical tool in the global fight against financial crime and fraud prevention.

Javier Santamaria, member of GLEIF’s Board of Directors, Chair of the Governance Committee

Congratulations to GLEIF on 10 years! GLEIF's LEI promotes transparency and reduces risk in financial markets. NSDL shares GLEIF's vision for a robust financial market. We thank GLEIF and look forward to continued partnership.

Padmaja Chunduru, CEO and Managing Director at NSDL

In 2013, some central banks approached me to join the GLEIF Board and serve as the first Chair from 2014 (until 2020). I was pleased to support the G20-FSB-initiated LEI program because of my experience with identity management challenges in the securities, forex, and payments industries. I am convinced that the Global LEI System will continue to be of benefit for (inter)national B2G reporting requirements and for all market participants involved in B2B transactions within international capital markets (issuers and investors) and global (physical and financial) supply chains.

Gerard Hartsink, first Chair of GLEIF’s Board of Directors (2014-2020)

LEI was a key response to the 2007 financial crisis when it became very clear that identification of parties to financial transactions could no longer rely on simple name matching. Fast forward 10 years, and GLEIF, as the custodian and evangelist for LEI, continues to break down walls, converting skeptics to the importance of adopting a (critical) dumb number. Few could have envisaged the scale of political reticence to adopt LEI, but GLEIF continues to partner and innovate to drive meaningful progress, from which we all benefit.

Mark Davies, Partner at element22

I was honored to work closely with public and private sector colleagues worldwide to develop a governance structure for the Global LEI System that we hoped would be flexible and expansive, and then given the greater honor of serving as the first Chair of the Regulatory Oversight Committee governing the system. In those early days, we made many decisions about where to place the GLEIF, how to organize it, and what jobs to assign. Probably the most important of those early decisions involved recruiting talented people to join a common vision and build trusting relationships and, in turn, a trusted system. I am gratified to have been part of what I think is a great success. Congratulations!

Matt Reed, Inaugural Chairman of the Regulatory Oversight Committee of the Global LEI System (2013 – 2016), Corporate Expert at Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (DFIC)

Working with GLEIF during the early part of these past ten years has been a privilege. GLEIF successfully enables us to make smarter and reliable decisions about who to do business with. The LEI is an essential linchpin that connects the dots across the universe of legal entity identification.

Hiroshi Kawagoe, CEO at Cotra Ltd. and previous member of the GLEIF Board of Directors

I remember the inaugural meeting of the Foundation Board held in Switzerland in June 2014. That was a critical step in building the Global LEI System, designed to uniquely identify parties to financial transactions in the public interest and without any licensing restrictions. We created a robust Global LEI System by jointly achieving the foundation's objectives – making the LEI a broad public good for the benefit of any user. GLEIF has accomplished remarkable milestones and innovations over a decade, and I am confident the team will drive further success.

Tim Smucker, Inaugural member of GLEIF’s Board of Directors (2014-2016)

The world of organizational identity changed forever with the launch of the LEI, and changed again with its verifiable digital version, the vLEI. Far more than a digital identifier, the verifiable LEI represents a global root of trust that is unparalleled in its utility, security, and scope, and is only possible because of the existence of GLEIF. Kudos to the entire GLEIF team for a decade of excellent vision and execution, for taking profound ideas and turning them into realities.

Timothy Ruff, Managing Partner at Digital Trust Ventures

It is hard to believe we are already celebrating 10 years of the GLEIF! It is exciting to see the continued growth of the LEI, as well as the innovations and opportunities that support our foundational belief—from the beginning of the journey in 2014—that the LEI would be a powerful tool to help companies really know who they are doing business with and to do that more efficiently.

I wish the entire GLEIF team continued success and look forward to hearing about all the new ways the LEI will be used in practice in the future. Congratulations!

Robin Doyle, Inaugural member of GLEIF’s Board of Directors (2014-2020)

INEGI congratulates GLEIF for its first decade of innovation achieved through tools such as the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). LEI has significantly enhanced the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (DENUE) by incorporating multinational companies. DENUE serves as a critical statistical and geographic resource for analyzing and pinpointing businesses across Mexico. LEI's impact goes beyond just locating companies; it empowers market research by aiding in customer and supplier identification, distribution network mapping, and sample frame development for business surveys.

Susana Pérez Cadena, Director General of Economic Statistics at El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI)

Since the inception of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), the global LEI population has grown rapidly. As a previous ROC member who supported its establishment, I am thrilled to see the Global LEI System attracting more attention and becoming a part of critical market infrastructures. Further adoption of the LEI across the private sector will enhance efficiency and lead to significant cost savings. I look forward to continuous cooperation with GLEIF to further promote the LEI in Asia.

Satoru Yamadera, Inaugural member of the Regulatory Oversight Committee of the Global LEI System (2013 – 2014)

The Association of Registrars of Latin America and the Caribbean (ASORLAC) spreads information on the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) among its members and partners in order to promote awareness and understanding of its multiple benefits, including its central role in achieving greater levels of transparency and efficiency across the financial and commercial markets.

Constanza Puentes Trujillo, Technical Secretary at ASORLAC

GLEIF's 10th anniversary is a crucial milestone in advancing financial transparency through the LEI. Serving as a GLEIF Board of Directors member has been an enriching and fulfilling experience. GLEIF is distinguished by its dedication to excellence and transparency. Together, we have fortified GLEIF's position as a leader in legal entity identification. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to further contributing to GLEIF's continued success.

Alfredo Alejandro Reyes Krafft, previous member of GLEIF’s Board of Directors (2016-2022)

As a long-standing member of GLEIF's Vendors and Services Providers Relationship Group, LexisNexis® Risk Solutions firmly supports the LEI initiative. From our applications of LEIs in screening to our payment solutions and correspondent banking applications, we are proud of our long-standing partnership with GLIEF. The LEI plays a pivotal role in our screening solutions, enabling precise entity identification and enhancing risk management capabilities for our clients across diverse industries.

Nina Kerkez, Senior Director at LexisNexis Risk Solutions

In 10 years, the Global LEI system has gone from an idea to a core piece of the financial infrastructure, solving critical identity issues in financial markets. This is a testament to a core truth – that understanding and representing legal entity identity is critical in finance, commerce, and other domains – and to an amazing, committed, talented team. OpenCorporates is proud to be partner with the GLEIF, and look forward to the next 10 years with excitement and optimism.

Chris Taggart, CEO & Co-Founder at OpenCorporates

As Nigeria's premier central securities depository, we are excited to embark on this journey with GLEIF and are proud of the incredible impact that the LEI has had on our financial market. The LEI is not only a crucial anchor for the sustainability of the global market, but it is also an essential tool for preventing identity theft and potential market abuses and infractions. We look forward to deepening our collaboration with GLEIF and promoting LEI adoption beyond financial markets.

Haruna Jalo-Waziri, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer at Central Securities Clearing System Plc

The motivation for GLEIF to operate a service management system (SMS) was driven by the LEI Issuing organizations’ future demand and capacity for services, the current situation in information (and cyber) security, and the digital transformation requirements. Since 2019, GLEIF’s SMS demonstrated full compliance with ISO 20000 - reaffirming its dedication to service excellence. By regularly reviewing its processes, identifying opportunities for improvement, and building resilience throughout its services, GLEIF remains dedicated to adding value to data users worldwide.

Markus Werckmeister, Managing Director at WMC Werckmeister Management Consulting GmbH

Since the establishment of the first China-based LEI Issuer in 2014, we have cooperated closely with GLEIF. Over the past ten years, GLEIF has provided us with comprehensive support in multiple aspects, for which we feel deeply grateful. We look forward to further promoting international cooperation, enhancing the global consistency of financial regulations, improving risk management practices, and exploring new applications of the LEI and vLEI in cross-border payment and international trade.

Xichong Zhou, Executive Director and General Manager at Beijing National Institute of Financial Standardization Co., Ltd. (NIFS)

Congratulations to GLEIF on ten years of promoting global trust and transparency through the Global LEI System. As a key driver of digital transformation and trust, the LEI offers a unique, standardized, and reliable identifier for legal entities. TrustAsia is delighted to partner with GLEIF to promote the inclusion of the LEI in S/MIME digital certificates. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with GLEIF to encourage wider LEI adoption and explore the potential of the vLEI together.

Edwin Zhai, Founder & CEO at TrustAsia

Congratulations to the Global LEI Foundation on their tenth anniversary and heartfelt applause to all who have contributed to its success! Today, over 2.5 million LEIs have been issued globally. GLEIF has played a pivotal role in driving efficient operation and adoption. They have consistently advocated collaboration across the public and private sectors. Corporate entities are better understood. Relationships are clearer. LEI is an important industry standard and is the ‘linchpin’ to understanding the health and safety of the finance industry.

John Bottega, President at EDM Council

Certizen's partnership with GLEIF has enabled an efficient and highly reliable digital identity authentication system. This system merges the robust security of digital certificates with the unique and globally recognized identification of LEIs, ensuring unparalleled trust and verification in digital transactions. Moving forward, we remain committed to expanding our collaboration with GLEIF, continuously exploring new and innovative applications of the LEI that promote trust and foster the global digital economy.

Eva Chan, CEO at Certizen Technology

The 10-year anniversary of GLEIF is a celebration of innovation, trust, and progress. As the global financial industry commemorates this milestone, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering a secure and compliant environment for virtual asset service providers as the first GLEIF Validation Agent for the virtual asset industry. We are honored to be part of this journey.

Elsa Madrolle, General Manager, Europe at VerifyVASP

디지털 혁신이 비즈니스 환경에 변화를 가져오면서 디지털 신뢰 구축이 무엇보다 중요해졌습니다. GLEIF의 검증 가능한 LEI(vLEI) 도입은 디지털화되고 자동화된 인증에 대한 세계적 요구를 해결하는 데 중요한 이정표가 되었습니다. vLEI는 안전하고 효율적인 글로벌 거래를 위한 길을 열어 국경을 초월한 혁신과 협업을 지원합니다.

지난 10년간 GLEIF의 노력은 단순히 식별 시스템을 만드는 데 그치지 않고 신뢰에 기반한 글로벌 비즈니스 환경을 조성하기 위한 것이었습니다. LEI와 vLEI의 영향력은 투명성을 넘어 기업이 보다 안전하고 효율적인 글로벌 경제에서 성장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

다음 10년을 시작하는 GLEIF의 비전은 글로벌 거래에서 신뢰를 유지하는 것 이상으로 확장됩니다. 우리는 모든 거래가 신뢰의 가치를 강조하고 비즈니스가 보다 안전하고 투명한 생태계 속에서 번영하는 세상을 꿈꿉니다. 신뢰, 혁신, 협업을 촉진하는 도구를 통해 전 세계 조직의 역량을 지속적으로 향상하면서 이러한 미래를 만들어가는 데 동참해 주십시오.

자료를 다운로드하고 공유하여 함께 축하하고, 엄선된 블로그, 매력적인 비디오 콘텐츠, 소셜 미디어 게시물을 통해 GLEIF의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

관련 자료