LEI Formats du fichier commun de données

Données de Niveau 2 : Format d'enregistrement des relations (RR) CDF 2.1

La base de données sur les Identifiants d'entité juridique (LEI) inclut les Données de 'Niveau 2’ répondant à la question 'qui appartient à qui'. Plus précisément, les entités juridiques qui ont ou qui acquièrent un LEI déclarent leur ‘société mère directe de consolidation comptable’ ainsi que leur ‘société mère ultime de consolidation comptable’.

L’entité juridique affiliée est tenue de fournir le LEI de, respectivement, ses sociétés mères directe et ultime à l'organisme émetteur de LEI. Le Format d'enregistrement des relations-CDF (RR-CDF) s'applique aux enregistrements des relations pour les entités demandant un LEI dont les sociétés mères directes et ultimes ont obtenu un LEI. Il définit le format technique qui spécifie comment les données de Niveau 2, soit les enregistrements des relations, sont stockées et transférées entre les organisations émettrices de LEI, la Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) et tous les utilisateurs des données.

En novembre 2016, la GLEIF a publié le format RR-CDF version 1.0 initial. En mai 2017, la GLEIF a publié le format RR-CDF version 1.1, et en mai 2021, le format RR-CDF version 2.1. En comparaison avec le format RR-CDF version 1.1, les modifications introduites dans la version 2.1 sont basées sur la politique ROC, « Politique sur les rapports des fonds et orientations sur l'enregistrement de fonds de placement dans le Global LEI System », qui décrit en détails comment les données de ‘niveau 2’ sur 'qui appartient à qui' sont répertoriées selon les types de relations financières. La définition correspondante du schéma XML ainsi que le document Notes de mise à jour sont disponibles au téléchargement au bas de cette page.

Le format RR-CDF contient des éléments qui, respectivement :

  • Identifient les entités légales impliquées.
  • Spécifient le type et d'autres caractéristiques (les dates par exemple) de la relation.
  • Montrent les informations sur la validation des relations et sur les rapports recueillies par l'organisation émettrice de LEI responsable de la gestion de l'enregistrement des relations.

Le tableau ci-dessous montre la structure du format RR-CDF 2.1, y compris les définitions du contenu des données à fournir.

Header [1,1]
ContentDate The date and time as of which the data contained in the file is valid. LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [1,1]
Originator The LEI of the entity that created the content of this file. LEIType A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code, conforming to ISO 17442. [0,1]
FileContent A code describing the content of this relationship record file. FileContentEnum A code denoting the publisher of the relationship data file (GLEIF or LOU), the publication status (public or internal use) and the content type (full file, delta file or query response). [1,1]
DeltaStart The date and time of the baseline relative to which this file contains new or changed Relationship Records. LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [0,1]
RecordCount The number of relationship records in the file. Must be a positive whole (integer) number, or zero (0). xs:nonNegativeInteger A positive whole number or zero (0). [1,1]
Extension This Extension element may contain any additional elements required to extend the Header container element. ExtensionType Data element(s) defined by the sender of the file. A description of Extension element structure and content should be provided separately. [0,1]
Record [0,*]
Relationship [1,1]
StartNode An LEI or ISO 17442-compatible ID for the entity at the "start" of a directional relationship. NodeType An LEI or provisional (ISO 17442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. [1,1]
EndNode An LEI or ISO 17442-compatible ID for the entity at the "end" of a directional relationship. NodeType An LEI or provisional (ISO 17442-compatible) technical identifier for a legal entity in the relationship, together with a code indicating the type of identifier. [1,1]
RelationshipType A unique code designating the specific category of a directional relationship between two legal entities. RelationshipTypeEnum
  • IS_DIRECTLY_CONSOLIDATED_BY - The StartNode of the "child" entity has its accounts fully consolidated by the EndNode "parent" entity, in the sense given by the accounting standard(s) specified in RelationshipQualifiers;the EndNode entity is the closest fully consolidating parent to the StartNode entity in any applicable hierarchical ownership structure.
  • IS_ULTIMATELY_CONSOLIDATED_BY - The StartNode "child" entity has its accounts fully consolidated by the EndNode "parent" entity, in the sense given by the accounting standard(s) specified in the RelationshipQualifiers; the EndNode entity is the most distant fully consolidating parent from the StartNode entity in any applicable hierarchical ownership structure.
  • IS_INTERNATIONAL_BRANCH_OF - The StartNode is an international branch of the legal entity designated by EndNode (in jurisdiction country of StartNode). The EndNode is the Head Office and SHALL be an LEI.
  • new IS_FUND-MANAGED_BY - The StartNode is a fund managed by a main management entity. The EndNode is legally responsible for the constitution and operation of the fund.
  • new IS_SUBFUND_OF - The StartNode is a sub-fund to an umbrella fund. The EndNode is a legal entity with one or more than one sub-funds/compartments where each sub-fund/compartment has its own investment objectives, separate investment policies and strategies, segregation of assets, separate investors and which has segregated liability between sub-funds/compartments.
  • new IS_FEEDER_TO - The StartNode is a Feeder Fund,that is (almost) exclusively invested in a single other fund. The EndNode is the Master Fund that has identical investment strategies.
RelationshipPeriods The particular type of period, for example, the duration of the relationship itself, the filing or validity period of any documents demonstrating the relationship, or the accounting period they refer to. RelationshipPeriodsTypeEnum A collection of paired beginning and end dates, defining a time period of a type indicated by an enumerated code: the relationship itself, periods (e.g. accounting) covered by documents demonstrating the relationship, or the filing date(s) of those documents.
  • ACCOUNTING_PERIOD - The dates in this instance of RelationshipPeriod indicate the accounting period covered by the most recent validation documents for this relationship.
  • RELATIONSHIP_PERIOD - The dates in this instance of RelationshipPeriodindicate the duration of validity of the relationship itself, as distinct from any administrative or reporting aspects.
  • DOCUMENT_FILING_PERIOD - The dates in this instance of RelationshipPeriod indicate the validity period of a regulatory filing, accounting document, or other document demonstrating the relationship's validity.
RelationshipStatus The status of the legal entities\' relationship itself: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or NULL. RelationshipStatusEnum The status of the legal entities relationship itself (e.g. currently active, historical only).
  • ACTIVE - As of the last report or update,the reporting legal entity reported that it is legally registered and/or operating, that the relationship detailed in this RelationshipRecord is still valid
  • INACTIVE -It has been determined that the relationship is ended, because entity that reported this relationship is no longer legally registered and/or operating; or the relationship is no longer valid for other reasons.
  • new NULL - The relationship status is not applicable.
RelationshipQualifiers Any additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship. RelationshipQualifiersType Additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship more specifically.
  • QualifierDimension - Designates the optional list of additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship. The QualifierDimensionEnum contains the value ACCOUNTING_STANDARD as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1.
  • QualifierCategory - Specifies the additional qualitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship. This field must contain a valid QualifierCategoryTypeEnum as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1. A new value, new GOVERNMENT_ACCOUNTING_STANDARD has been added to the existing QualifierCategoryTypeEnum.
RelationshipQuantifiers Any additional quantitative attributes that help to categorize the relationship. RelationshipQuantifiersType Additional quantitative attributes of the relationship, including units where applicable, according to a particular measurement method.
  • MeasurementMethod - Specifies the method of measurement (or set of rules) used to quantitatively categorize the relationship. This field contains a valid MeasurementMethodTypeEnum as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1.
  • QuantifierAmount - Specifies the quantity measured as a decimal (positive or negative) number, using a "." as the decimal point, with no spaces, and without thousand delimiters (e.g. ",").
  • QuantifierUnits - Specifies the units, where applicable, of a measurement made on a relationship. This field contains a valid QuantifierUnitsTypeEnum as specified in the Relationship Record CDF version 2.1.
Extension This Extension element may contain any additional elements required to extend the Header container element ExtensionType Data element(s) defined by the sender of the file. A description of Extension element structure and content should be provided separately. [0,1]
Registration [1,1]
InitialRegistrationDate A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [1,1]
LastUpdateDate The date at which the information was most recently updated by the ManagingLOU LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [1,1]
RegistrationStatus The status of the legal entity\'s relationship record registration with the ManagingLOU lei:RegistrationStatusEnum A value of type RegistrationStatusEnum in a file conforming to this standard SHALL be one of the following code strings:
  • PENDING_VALIDATION - A relationship data report that has been submitted and which is being processed and validated, prior to publication
  • PUBLISHED - A relationship record that has been validated and published, and which identifies a relationship that was reported by an entity that was an operating legal entity as of the last update
  • DUPLICATE - A relationship record that has been determined to be a duplicate of the same relationship as another relationship record; the DUPLICATE status is assigned to the non-surviving record
  • LAPSED - A relationship record that has not been renewed by the NextRenewalDate
  • RETIRED - The relationship is considered to have ended, but the relationship report is kept in publication for historical audit trail purposes
  • ANNULLED - A relationship record that was marked as erroneous or invalid after it was issued
  • TRANSFERRED - A relationship record that has been transferred to a different LOU as the managing LOU
  • PENDING_TRANSFER - A relationship record that has been requested to be transferred to another LOU. The request is being processed at the sending LOU
  • PENDING_ARCHIVAL - A relationship record is about to be transferred to a different LOU, after which its registration status will revert to a non-pending status
NextRenewalDate The next date by which the relationship information must be renewed and re-certified by the legal entity. LEIDateTimeProfile A date and time, including the timezone, based on ISO 8601. [0,1]
ManagingLOU The LEI of the LOU that is responsible for administering this relationship record. LEIType A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code, conforming to ISO 17442. [1,1]
ValidationSources Level of relationship validation. ValidationSourcesTypeEnum The level of relationship validation provided by the ManagingLOU.
  • PENDING - The validation of the relationship data provided by the registrant has not yet occurred. Records with this ValidationSources value SHALL NOT be published.
  • ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY - Based on the validation procedures in use by the LOU responsible for the record, the information associated with this record has significant reliance on the information that a submitter provided due to the unavailability of corroborating information.
  • PARTIALLY_CORROBORATED - Based on the validation procedures in use by the LOU responsible for the record, the information supplied by the submitter can be partially corroborated by supporting sources (e.g. financial statements with other definitions of the relevant relationship type; quarterly or annual regulatory filings,contracts and other documents used in preparing financial statements).
  • FULLY_CORROBORATED - The relationship data provided by the registrant has been validated against an explicit relationship statement found in key sources (e.g. consolidated financial statements)
ValidationDocuments Type of source document(s) used for validating the relationship. ValidationDocumentsTypeEnum The type of source document(s) used by the ManagingLOU to validate the relationship.
  • ACCOUNTS_FILING - A consolidated financial (accounting) statement, prepared and submitted to the relevant authority.
  • REGULATORY_FILING - A regulatory filing providing public information on legal entities and/or their relationships.
  • SUPPORTING_DOCUMENTS - Other documents supporting the validation of legal entities and/or their relationships.
  • CONTRACTS - Contract(s) attesting to the validity of legal entities and/or their relationships.
  • OTHER_OFFICIAL_DOCUMENTS - Other official document(s) attesting to the validity of legal entities and/or their relationships.
ValidationReference A reference to a specfic document or other source used as the basis of relationship validation for this relationship record. Tokenized500Type A free text string. [0,1]
Extension This Extension element may contain any additional elements required to extend the Header container element ExtensionType Data element(s) defined by the sender of the file. A description of Extension element structure and content should be provided separately. [0,1]
Extension [0,1]

Le format de fichier commun de données pour l’enregistrement des relations 2.1 (RR-CDF)

Remarque : Les nouveaux champs et les valeurs d'énumération récemment ajoutés à la version 2.1 du RR-CDF sont surlignés en jaune.

Les règles de transition d’état et de validation (STVR) décrivent les règles de gestion et leur mise en œuvre technique en vue de l'émission, de la mise à jour, de la gestion et de la publication des données de référence du LEI, conformément aux formats de fichier commun de données (CDF).

Pour obtenir les documents techniques et fichiers d'exemple requis pour la mise à jour des versions actuelles, consultez la page Documents annexes.

Veuillez adresser vos questions au sujet du format RR-CDF à info@gleif.org.

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