Verifiable LEI (vLEI)
- 10 GLEIF Blog
- 2 Introduction & eBooks
- 14 Press Releases
- 6 GLEIF Videos & Podcasts
For businesses the world over, confidence in digital authenticity is in short supply. Can you be sure that your bank's website is not an elaborate phishing recreation? Did that e-invoice really come from your business partner? How can you tell?
As businesses increasingly cooperate and transact remotely and across borders, the systems they use to establish trust also need to evolve.
GLEIF has been working to address this requirement directly, by extending the Global LEI System to incorporate a 'verifiable LEI' (vLEI) a standardized, digitized version of the LEI capable of enabling instant, automated trust between legal entities and their authorized representatives, and the counterparty legal entities and representatives with which they interact.
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