News & Media

GLEIF and LEI News

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) makes available regular and timely information on the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and the digitally trustworthy version of the LEI, the cryptographically verifiable LEI (vLEI). The LEI is the only global solution for legal entity identification worldwide.


    Verifiable LEI (vLEI)

    • 10 GLEIF Blog
    • 2 Introduction & eBooks
    • 14 Press Releases
    • 6 GLEIF Videos & Podcasts

    For businesses the world over, confidence in digital authenticity is in short supply. Can you be sure that your bank's website is not an elaborate phishing recreation? Did that e-invoice really come from your business partner? How can you tell?

    As businesses increasingly cooperate and transact remotely and across borders, the systems they use to establish trust also need to evolve.

    GLEIF has been working to address this requirement directly, by extending the Global LEI System to incorporate a 'verifiable LEI' (vLEI) a standardized, digitized version of the LEI capable of enabling instant, automated trust between legal entities and their authorized representatives, and the counterparty legal entities and representatives with which they interact.

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    Validation Agent

    • 11 GLEIF Blog
    • 2 Latest eBooks
    • 12 Press Releases

    The Validation Agent role allows financial institutions and other organizations involved in identity verification and validation to obtain and maintain LEIs for their clients in cooperation with accredited LEI Issuer Organizations. Validation Agents achieve this by leveraging their business as usual client identification procedures in Know Your Customer (KYC), client onboarding or standard client refresh update processes.

    It is designed to remove the duplication of processes across a financial institution's client onboarding and LEI issuance, resulting in a simpler, faster and more convenient experience for financial institutions and their clients, enabled by a more efficient LEI issuance process.

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    Lightbulb Series

    • 17 GLEIF Blog

    This 'LEI Lightbulb Blog Series' from GLEIF shines a light on the breadth of acceptance and advocacy for the LEI across the public and private sectors, geographies, and use cases by highlighting which industry leaders, authorities, and organizations are supportive of the LEI and for what purpose. By demonstrating how success derived from strong regulatory roots is giving rise to a groundswell of champions for further LEI regulation and voluntary LEI adoption across new and emerging applications, GLEIF hopes to educate on both the current and future potential value that 'one global identity' can deliver for businesses, regardless of sector, world-wide.

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    LEI in Supply Chains

    • 4 GLEIF Blog
    • 1 Paper
    • 1 Press Releases
    • 1 GLEIF Videos & Podcasts

    The LEI is a digital solution for supply chain management, providing a standardized format to identify legal entities. By incorporating the LEI into digital supply chain systems, businesses can improve transparency, reduce fraud, and increase efficiency. It can streamline compliance processes and improve data accuracy, leading to better supply chain performance. Overall, the LEI is essential for businesses that want to digitize their supply chain processes and ensure the smooth and secure flow of goods and services.

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