LEI The Lifecycle of a LEI Issuer

Current Candidates

The first phase of the Accreditation Process requires the organization seeking to become a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) issuer, i.e. the Applicant Local Operating Unit (LOU), to create an accreditation plan. Once the plan is approved by GLEIF, the Master Agreement is executed. The Applicant LOU’s status is changed to Candidate LOU and the second phase of the accreditation process begins.

All Candidate LOUs are publicly disclosed on the GLEIF website as noted below. The list of fully operational LEI issuers can be viewed here.

Candidate Master Agreement Date
The Intelligence Company Ab (publ) 2025-01-20
Vay Network Services Pvt. Ltd. (Vayana) 2024-10-28
Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc 2024-10-20
PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) 2024-09-27
LEI International Private Limited 2024-08-27
African Export-Import Bank 2023-09-26
Druk Holding and Investments Limited 2023-06-21