About LEI Search
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) offers market participants a standardized, one stop approach to entity verification in the digital age, facilitating quick, consistent, and accurate information on both client organizations and other business partners and suppliers. The LEI search tool, developed by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), makes it even easier to take full advantage of the publicly available LEI data supporting more use cases and applications. Using the tool, market participants can explore information on organizations globally contained within the Global LEI Index.
The search tool provides enhanced functionality including the option to identify corporate ownership structures or pinpoint other identifiers that have been mapped to an LEI. With this release, GLEIF offers improved access to a unique and free data source that allows corporate dots to be connected globally based on open, standardized and high quality LEI data.

Any interested party can access and search the complete LEI data pool free of charge and without the need to register, using the web-based LEI search tool. Similar to a sophisticated, easy to use search engine, it empowers users to quickly find LEI data without any technical restrictions. With the launch of its LEI search tool , GLEIF has introduced additional features, including:
- New user interface supporting quick and customized research: The new and intuitive user interface is built on a Google-like approach that allows users to quickly research specific information on a legal entity by entering a search term into a text bar. Queries can be tailored to the specific needs of LEI data users with the use of search options and filters.
- Easily identifiable ownership information: Market participants can now identify the direct and ultimate parents of a legal entity and, vice versa, the entities owned by individual companies, provided that both child and parent entities have an LEI. (For more information on ownership information identifiable with an LEI, refer to this dedicated website page: Level 2 Data: Who Owns Whom).
- Other identifiers mapped to the LEI automatically showing with search results: GLEIF’s ‘Certification of LEI Mapping’ service ensures that organizations which map the LEI to their own identifiers use state of the art methodologies to do so. This cooperation model was pioneered together with SWIFT with the launch of the open-source Business Identifier Code (BIC)-to-LEI relationship files. The LEI search tool automatically pins the corresponding BIC to an LEI record, where applicable. As new partners join the LEI mapping program, other identifiers linked to an LEI will also show with search results in future releases of the search tool.
- Information included in code lists published by GLEIF is resolved to human readable names: GLEIF maintains several code lists relevant to information included with an LEI record. The GLEIF Registration Authorities List assigns a unique code to business registers and other authoritative sources used by LEI issuers to validate the reference data connected to an LEI. GLEIF also publishes the Entity Legal Forms Code List which assigns a unique code to each entity legal form established across individual jurisdictions; e.g. limited liability partnership (LLP). The LEI search tool not only displays relevant codes with the search results, but also resolves these into human readable names.
- Changes to any data field of an LEI are now displayed in a historic view: Each LEI comes with a timeline of changes to any data field which were applied to the LEI since 9 February 2018. The timeline includes information on the date of each change, the changed data field, the previous value and the new value.
Dig deeper: The LEI search tool expert mode
For those seeking to dig even deeper into the LEI data pool, the new LEI search tool offers an ‘expert mode’ which enables users to configure and combine their own search filters to facilitate the design of complex queries. A complex query is one in which there is a combination of multiple, and potentially limitless, variables, e.g. to identify all LEIs registered within a defined timeline whose legal name contains the term ‘bank’ and that own companies in a specific country.
For detailed information on how to deploy the LEI search tool in expert mode, refer to this dedicated website page: How to Use LEI Search.