We ensure around the clock data quality
Data Quality Dashboard
GLEIF uses state-of-the-art tools and technologies for its data management, through which it has developed an interactive dashboard to support its partners’ data quality management in the Global LEI System in a proactive and transparent manner.
Public data users are able to observe changes in Data Quality by analyzing various aspects. For instance, the user can identify trends and outliers by monitoring the development of the Total Data Quality Score for different Data Quality Criteria and Maturity Levels on a timeline. In addition, drill down views are available per Data Quality Check or even per individual LEI record. The Data Quality Monitoring Dashboard also provides a direct comparison between different LEI issuing organizations regarding their data quality performance.
Explore the data quality with GLEIF's Dashboard here.

GLEIF reports the status of the Data Quality in the Global LEI System to the public on a monthly basis by publishing Data Quality Reports. Additionally, the daily results of the Data Quality Checks are reported to each individual LEI Issuer. This continuous monitoring program enables robust and active data quality management.

Data Quality Checks GLEIF provides an overview of GLEIF’s data quality checks and underlying standards
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Discover GLEIF’s Rule Setting GLEIF aims for maximum transparency and therefore publishes each Data Quality Check Specification
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