LEI Data GLEIF Concatenated Files

Download the Concatenated Files

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) publishes three separate ‘Concatenated Files’ daily. The Concatenated Files include Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) and related LEI reference data published by the LEI issuing organizations. GLEIF does not modify any of the original source files.

The GLEIF Concatenated Files, which are available for download, include specific information on LEI records based on the relevant Common Data File (CDF) format.

Level 1 LEI-CDF Concatenated File: Learn more

It contains Level 1 data, i.e. LEI records and related reference data that provide information on who is who based on the LEI-CDF format.

Level 2 Relationship Record (RR) CDF Concatenated File: Learn more

The Level 2 RR-CDF Concatenated File contains the Level 2 data to answer the question of ‘who owns whom’ based on the RR-CDF format. It allows the identification of the direct and ultimate parents of a legal entity whose direct and ultimate parents have an LEI.

Level 2 Reporting Exceptions Concatenated File: Learn more

The LEI data pool includes Level 2 data to answer the question of ‘who owns whom’. Specifically, legal entities that have or acquire an LEI report their ‘direct accounting consolidating parent’ as well as their ‘ultimate accounting consolidating parent’. Exceptions are reported based on the Reporting Exceptions format. Exceptions include: The LEI registrant has no parent entity; the child legal entity opts out of reporting for exceptional reasons; the direct and ultimate parents of the LEI registrant do not have an LEI.

For more information, refer to 'About the Concatenated Files' and please take note of the 'LEI Data Terms of Use'.

If you find something you wish to question, you may submit a challenge to any LEI data record through GLEIF’s central challenge facility.

Please address questions on the Concatenated Files to info@gleif.org.

Latest Files

File History

Date LEI-CDF v3.1 RR-CDF v2.1 Reporting Exceptions v2.1 Details
2024-07-17 2,680,489 Records 540,389 Records 4,701,369 Records Show Details
2024-07-16 2,679,421 Records 540,118 Records 4,699,505 Records Show Details
2024-07-15 2,678,536 Records 539,937 Records 4,697,976 Records Show Details
2024-07-14 2,678,370 Records 539,924 Records 4,697,655 Records Show Details
2024-07-13 2,678,282 Records 539,921 Records 4,697,511 Records Show Details
2024-07-12 2,677,261 Records 539,758 Records 4,695,695 Records Show Details
2024-07-11 2,676,305 Records 539,367 Records 4,694,057 Records Show Details