Our Vision: One Global Identity Behind Every Business

The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) enables smarter, less costly and more reliable decisions about who to do business with.

We do this by supporting the implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and by making available the Global LEI Index. It is the only global online source that provides open, standardized and high quality legal entity reference data. The Global LEI Index contains historical and current LEI records including related reference data in one authoritative, central repository. The reference data represents the information on a legal entity identifiable with an LEI.

We believe that each business worldwide should have only one global identity. This identity should include a digital identity. Having an LEI will help to achieve this objective. We are on a journey to increase the rate of LEI adoption so that in the future, the Global LEI Index will capture an increasing number of entities engaging in financial transactions globally, providing a 360-degree view.

LEI is the linchpin that connects the dots across the universe of entity identification

Once fully deployed by market participants, the Global LEI Index will remove efforts associated to date with the maintenance of entity reference data and empower market participants to cut costs, simplify and accelerate operations and gain deeper insight into the global market place.

The LEI is the linchpin that connects the dots across the universe of entity identification in the digital age. GLEIF is calling on private and public sector organizations across the globe to consider the benefits of having an LEI.

To learn more about the quantifiable value that market participants can generate based on broad and global LEI adoption, refer to this dedicated GLEIF website section: ‘Solutions’.