Semantic Representation of the LEI
The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) has initiated work, together with other organizations using the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) as an element within their standards and standard frameworks, to develop semantically correct models of LEI data records relevant to the integration of the LEI into other key standards.
The purpose of the project is to represent the LEI in a standard way in key standards and make available the same documentation, in terms of context, text and element descriptions, regardless of differing graphical representations or syntaxes of the LEI in other standards. The initiative also facilitates providing the LEI in machine readable form to enable its inclusion in the technical representations of other standards. This will result in correct and consistent usage of the semantic representation of the LEI and its reference data by each organization. Consequently, stakeholders will have one semantically correct model in each standard for the LEI and its reference data.
GLEIF establishes and participates in the relevant formal groups for the development work on the semantic representations of the LEI and its reference data with the standards organizations. GLEIF also agrees and establishes formal processes for maintenance of the semantic representations of the LEI and its reference data with each organization. GLEIF will publish the semantic representation of the LEI and its reference data on the GLEIF website and will work with organizations to publish the semantic representation of the LEI and its reference data on their websites as well.