LEI Common Data File Formats

Previous Versions

The business card information available with the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) reference data, e.g. the official name of a legal entity and its registered address, is referred to as ‘Level 1’ data. It provides the answer to the question of ‘who is who’. The LEI-Common Data File (CDF) format defines how LEI issuing organizations report their LEI and Level 1 reference data.

The LEI-CDF format version 1.0 was originally developed by the Regulatory Oversight Committee and mandated for all LEI issuing organizations in August 2014. Subsequently, the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) assumed the responsibility for maintaining the standard and developing it further.

Later, in March 2021, GLEIF published LEI-CDF format version 2.1, RR-CDF format version 1.1 in May 2017, and Reporting Exceptions format version 1.0 in November 2016.

The previous versions of the Common Data File (CDF) formats released by GLEIF are listed below:

LEI-CDF Relationship Record (RR)-CDF Reporting Exceptions Format
RR-CDF 1.1 Reporting Exceptions Format 1.1

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