Code Lists
The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) maintains several code lists referred to in the Common Data File (CDF) formats and provides a standard process for identifying and incorporating updates to these code lists.
GLEIF publishes the ‘Registration Authorities List’, which lists business registers and other relevant registration authority sources and assigns a unique code to each register on the list.
GLEIF also publishes the ‘Entity Legal Forms (ELF) Code List’. It contains entity legal forms established across individual jurisdictions. Examples of entity legal forms include: Limited liability partnership (LLP), Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) or Société Anonyme (SA). The ELF Code List assigns a unique code to each entity legal form.
GLEIF also publishes the ‘Official Organizational Roles (OOR) Code List’. Examples of such roles are Managing Director, 董事长, Bestuurder, Fondateur, Socio, رئيس مجلس الادارة or Accionista. Only official roles as they appear in local legislation are included in the list. The OOR Code List assigns a unique code to each official role.
In addition to the aforementioned, GLEIF introduced the ‘Accepted Legal Jurisdictions Code List’, which specifies accepted values for the field ‘LegalJurisdiction’ in the LEI Common Data File format.